Why This Middle-Aged Guy In A Pink Tutu Seemed Ridiculous.?The answer is not as silly as you’d think

Maybe you will scratch your head when you see these photos and think “Why is that guy wearing a pink tutu?” The answer is, in equal parts, ridiculous and heartwarming. You see, this is Bob Carey. Bob’s wife has cancer. She was diagnosed with it in 2003 and The Tutu Project (as it’s now officially called) began as a way for Bob to express himself and make his wife smile. Then, it turned into something much bigger.

Bob would pull on a pink tutu and take photos of himself in various locations. His wife would also show the pictures to the other women also undergoing breast cancer treatment, which would give them a giggle during an otherwise dark time.

While Bob was arranging himself into various positions, people would come up and ask him what he was doing. It then became the perfect opportunity for him to talk about breast cancer.

To learn more about Bob, Linda and their brave battle against cancer, visit The Tutu Project’s website or donate to The Carey Foundation.

Source: Viral nova

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