20 Touching Photos That Will Grab You By The Heart…And Never Let Go...Tissues Required.

There are moments in life that we want to treasure forever. Sometimes they are joyful and sometimes they are devastating, but both are times we will never forget and always keep in our hearts. These photos are moments are just like that, captured forever in a picture. 24 different times, life came together perfectly and someone caught it on camera – and each of these destroyed me. I completely lost it when…

When Lucas Hembree and his service dog Juno shared a hug

When this girl got the most incredible surprise proposal

When a survivor of an earthquake found a treasured photo album intact in Sichuan, China

When Luka, a 12 year-old boy with muscular dystrophy, was able to finally feel free thanks to photographer Matej Peljhan.

When Meghan Vogel carried Arden McMath, a competitor, across the finish line when she collapsed during a race

When Hawkeye refused to leave the side of his Navy SEAL master

When a soldier met his baby girl for the first time

When Arnulfo Castorena won his first gold medal in swimming for Mexico in the Paralympics

When this old dog’s loving owner cradled him in water to help ease his friend’s arthritis pain

When a man taught his girlfriend the alphabet again after she lost her memory

When 8 year-old Christian Golczynski accepts the flag for his father, Marine Staff Sgt. Marc Golczynski, who died in Iraq

When teachers in India gave lessons to homeless children

When a man did anything to save his wife’s life

When a boy met his best friend

And then had to say goodbye

When Irish rugby player Brian O’Driscoll shared his Heineken Cup victory with one of his biggest fans

When a woman kissed the hearse the body of her 20 year-old cousin arrived in at a military funeral

When Specialist Dean Oldt, a marksman with the 101st Airborne, reunited with his dad

When Marine Sergeant Frank Praytor fed a 2 week-old kitten after her mother was killed

Source: Viral Nova